Mining Challenge Proposals

One of the secret ingredients behind the success of the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) is its annual Mining Challenge, in which MSR participants can showcase their techniques, tools, and creativity on a common data set. In true MSR fashion, this data set is a real data set contributed by researchers in the community, solicited through an open call.

There are many benefits of sharing a data set for the MSR Mining Challenge. The selected challenge proposal explaining the data set will appear in the MSR 2025 proceedings, and the challenge papers using the data set will be required to cite the challenge proposal or an existing paper of the researchers about the selected data set. Furthermore, the authors of the data set will join the MSR 2025 organizing committee as Mining Challenge (co-)chair(s), who will manage the reviewing process (e.g., recruiting a Challenge PC, managing submissions, and reviewing assignments). Finally, it is not uncommon for challenge data sets to feature in MSR and other publications well after the edition of the conference in which they appear!

If you would like to submit your data set for consideration for the 2025 MSR Mining Challenge, prepare a short proposal (1-2 pages plus appendices, if needed) containing the information listed on, and submit it here.

Welcome to the 22nd International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2025) submissions site. For general information, see


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.